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5 Signs Your Teen Needs Therapy

Root Care Health can provide affordable mental health therapy for your teen suffering from depression, anxiety, isolation or behavioral issues.

The teenage years are the toughest to navigate, for both the teen and the parents. Adolescence can be confusing and frustrating. These years are marked by massive life changes that will shape a teen’s mental, physical and emotional development. Their body is changing right before their eyes, they’re seeking independence and learning about the world around them. With so many new emotions swirling around, it is no wonder that their behavior may seem erratic or odd at times. If you notice your teen is behaving a little differently, pay close attention and talk to them about how they’re feeling. Most times teens don’t want to talk to their parents, and this is when therapy can really help. A licensed professional will teach your teen the right way to handle their emotions, and guide them through these tough years. Not sure if your teen needs therapy? Here are 5 signs to look out for!

5 Signs Your Teen Needs Therapy

A sudden drop in academic performance can be a clue that your teen may be stressed out or distracted by something. It could be a teacher they don’t like, it could be a bully at school or it could be a new hobby distracting them. No matter what it is, it is important to check in with your teen and create a safe space for them to figure out the “why” in their behavior and find a solution.

The stigma of teenagers is that they are rebellious by nature and acting out is normal. On the contrary, it is not normal and a big cause for concern. A sudden change in behavior is not normal for anybody, so why is it normal for teens? Teens are going through a lot of growing pains and they’re acting out because they do not know how to navigate through these issues. There is always a cause for the effect, so dig deep and work to find the cause the next time your teen acts out. 

This is the time when teens develop their own social circle. If your teen is having a hard time making friends, spends more time alone or slowly isolates themselves from family, then this is a sign that something is wrong. A therapist will find out why your teen is feeling reclusive and give them tips on improving their social skills.  

A physical clue that your teen needs help is that they look worn out, tired or disheveled. If they’re not keeping up with their hygiene and lack interest in basic self-care then they could be going through depression. 

Another physical clue is severe change in weight, whether that be weight gain or weight loss. This is an indication of an eating disorder forming and a professional therapist will help your teen identify the triggers to their problem. Talking to a therapist during these growing years can be extremely valuable as your teen will learn how to talk about their problems, identify the triggers and solve these issues in order to have healthy relationships as an adult. 

For more tips and advice, and to learn about Root Care Health’s forthcoming Behavioral Health Services, click here.